Hello and welcome to the Parklands Girls' High School Year 10 blog!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Let's make this work for everybody

This is not something we opt in and out of. We must all follow these rules to ensure Parklands can give you the best education possible. This is for you. Take responsibility for your learning. If you have a friend who struggles to do these things, help them.

We are all trying to achieve the same objectives - for you to leave Parklands with the best grades you can get. Let's make this work.


  1. Arrive on time, fully equipped and place your planner on your desk.

  1. Do as you are told by staff – first time, every time.

  1. Listen carefully when requested by the teacher.

  1. Be respectful of others and speak politely.

  1. Work to the best of your ability in every lesson.

  1. Always record homework and deadlines in your planner.

  1. Wait quietly at the end of the lesson until you are dismissed.


  1. Treat everyone with respect.

  1. Do as you are told by staff – first time, every time.

  1. Wear your school uniform correctly at all times.

  1. Respect the school site, its buildings and contents.

  1. Always move around school in a safe and sensible manner.

  1. Always put litter in bins provided.

  1. Keep mobile phones and electronic gadgets switched off and out of sight.

Some Clarifications:
Students should always arrive to classroom based lessons with a pen, pencil, ruler and planner and to PE with appropriate kit.

Thank you.

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